Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home

My 1st day at home. The diva is jet-lagged, and beauty rest is required.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I arrived early at TMC

The day of Mankind or "Ren-Ri (人日)", is on the 7th day of the Lunar New Year and it translates to "everybody's birthday (人类的生日)". According to the ancient writings the first eight days of the year are dedicated respectively to the rooster, dog, pig, sheep, bull, horse, man and grain. If a ewe has lambs on the day of sheep (fourth), her offspring will be exemplary… provided that the day is sunny. If a woman has a child on the day of man (seventh), her offspring will be exemplary (ahem)… provided that the day is sunny (it was extremely sunny today). So it's on this day of the year that all Chinese change their age at the same time, rather than on their birthday. To celebrate this event the family will gather together for a feast. Since it was such a good date, I decided that I should make it my birth-date, so that everybody will celebrate my/their birthday. As I did not inform my folks beforehand about my entry to Earth, they were really caught off guarded by my early flight arrival. I was their birthday present.

My Birth Story:

07:30hrs - Mammie's tummy felt more painful than usual but she shrugged it off & went to work.

10:00hrs- Decided to go see Dr Paul as pain was becoming more intense.

10:15hrs- Aunty Shena called a cab and accompanied Mammie to TMC.

10:30hrs- Dr Paul said to expect my arrival as Mammie was already 3 cm dilated.

11:00hrs- Admitted to TMC and waited for Pappie.

14:00hrs- Increased epidural dosage to max as it did not seem to work.

16:00hrs- Mammie felt like a cow was going to come out from her.

16:16hrs- Hey presto, after 25mins and 5 pushes, here I am!

Mammie did not manage to "Lo-Hei" after work, as she had to wait for my VIP arrival instead. On the bright side, she received many flowers (enough flowers to open a flower stall beside the Indian mama stall).

I made my diva entrance on 13th February 2008 at 16:16 hrs. I weighed 3.06 kg and co-incidentally, my room at TMC was 306. Needless to say, everyone was rushing to buy 4D.